(Courtesy of High Octane Pictures)
High Octane Pictures delivers a sleek and schlocky sci-fi-/horror flick, Fighting the Sky, starring Angela Cole and Roger Conners. Co-writer/director Conrad Faraj captures a fun tribute to the ‘50s alien invasions that ends in a shocking twist.
Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner (Angela Cole), begin an expedition to track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, they begin to discover more than they bargained for.
Here are 5 reasons why you should see Fighting the Sky:
5) Angela Cole!

Viewers will be engaged with the charismatic Angela Cole, who easily balances the broad comedy and drama of Lorraine Gardner’s role. In the opening minutes, Cole delivers the laugh-out-loud moments as she mouths off at a womanizing party-goer. She then captures the shock and awe of the twisted finale.
4) Alison Headrick!
As Ava Williams, Alison Headrick radiates as she bounces off the humor with the ensemble. A comedic standout, Headrick carries the dynamic energy, along with Cole, in these group shots. When the aliens do in on-screen, her expressions capture the suspense and claustrophobia of the dramatic scene.
3) The Special Effects!
The story takes its time to deliver the aliens, and when the invasion starts, the movie kicks up another notch. The visual effects by Corey McCauley take an imaginative spin on old-school looks, such as the flying saucers. Special makeup effects artist, Ron George, adds scales to the alien skin, and emphasizes the bug-eyed faces.
2) That Ending!
I don’t want to say too much about the ending without getting into spoiler territory. The ending is such a clever homage to the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
1)Pulpy & Fun!

A pulpy and fun sci-fi adventure, Fighting the Sky takes advantage of the humorous comedy and stupendous effects. The ending effectively puts its own spin on the paranoia trope found in the ‘50s sci-fi movies.
Fighting the Sky arrives digital and DVD February 5th, 2019.