(Courtesy of Image Comics)
The perfect gift for the holidays, The Wicked + The Devine Christmas Annual #1 (Image Comics) has something for longtime fans and new readers. The first annual examines if the gods were pop stars and what would their relationships be like with each other.
Based on a conversation I had in my head:
JAMIE MCKELVIE said: “It’s a shame we never saw any of the gods’ early fun-times!”
KIERON GILLEN said: “Yeah!”
ME PUSHING MY WAY THROUGH: “Shut up and take all my money! Now!”
And the two they looked at each other, called security on me, and then called all their talented friends (my favorite artists) to do a Christmas album of (mostly) fan service! You can expect Inanna and Baal getting it on! Lucifer and Sakhmet also getting it on! Dionysus giving Baphomet a lift in a crappy car! And more, this one has it all!
Here are 5 reasons why you should get The Wicked + The Devine Christmas Annual #1:
5) The Guest Artists & Colorists!
Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s the #WicDiv Christmas Special preview. https://t.co/MdqcTacbkM Includes pages from @kristaferanka @Emmavieceli @RachaelAtWork and @ChynnaSyndrome. Out tomorrow with MUCH MORE! pic.twitter.com/2DZ4l8Z8vh
— Kieron Gillen (@kierongillen) December 12, 2017
The roster includes Kris Anka, Jen Bartel, Dee Cunniffe, Matt Wilson, Rachel Stott, Ludwig Olimba, Tamra Bonvillain, Chynna Clugston Flores, Brandon Daniels, Emma Viecelli, Carla Speed McNeil, Fernando Argüello, and Clayton Cowles. Jamie McKelvie’s character designs continue to hint at the resemblance of iconic musicians.
4) For New Readers!
With the issues currently at #33 and the volumes collected to six, the Christmas Annual is a perfect place for new readers to jump on in. Writer Kieron Gillen has written a prequel that not only serves the continuity with the first issue, it also highlights the character relationships. This installment will draw in new readers into the rich mythology and encourage them to pick up the first volume.
3) It Gets Hot In Here!
Wrote a blog post for comic book artists about how best to provide your art files to your publisher or colourist: https://t.co/hJN33GiOGb pic.twitter.com/Pf698X6883
— Jamie McKelvie (@McKelvie) November 7, 2017
Gillen understands that the only way to examine relationships is through sex. The opening pages start with Baal getting it on! The romp continues with Lucifer under the sheets. It all works together as the themes explore the gods as bitter and iconic pop stars.
2) The Colors! The Colors!
Tamra Bonvillain and Matt Wilson trade coloring duties between each short segment. I love how the nighttime settings appear to be magical with purple tones. I love the recreation of the Lucifer’s interrogation scenes, from the first volume, told in white highlights.
1) A Fantastic Read!
THE WICKED + THE DIVINE CHRISTMAS ANNUAL #1—lots and lots of getting it on… #NewComicsDay preview: https://t.co/Ydv7pzqcDZ pic.twitter.com/8mC4eUwJh4
— Image Comics (@ImageComics) December 12, 2017
Prepare for The Wicked + The Devine Christmas Annual #1 to rock your world. The artwork is breathtaking and the characters are so unforgettable! You’ll definitely love The Wicked + The Devine series!
Four out of four emojis
The Wicked + The Devine Christmas Annual #1 arrives in stores December 13th, 2017.
– By Jorge Solis