(Courtesy of BOOM! Studios)
A highly recommended read, Buffy The Vampire Slayer #1 (BOOM! Studios) is a brilliantly charming blend of teen comedy and vampire thriller. Based on Joss Whedon’s groundbreaking series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, the pop culture phenomenon returns once more comic book realm in a clever reboot.
This is the Buffy Summers you know, who wants what every average teenager wants: friends at her new school, decent grades, and to escape her imposed destiny as the next in a long line of vampire slayers tasked with defeating the forces of evil. But her world looks a lot more like the one outside your window
Here are 5 reasons why we love Buffy The Vampire Slayer #1:
5) The History!
We all saw know the story of The Chosen One, who comes from the line of Slayers. As the theme of female empowerment resonates, Buffy Summers matters even more today, especially with an accused rapist sitting in the Supreme Court. Interestingly, if you re-watch the pilot, Sunnydale High was on the cusp of the internet rage, but it has never felt the social media wave.
4) The Writing!
Writer Jordie Bellaire delivers the snappy dialogue while resetting the story to high school. Now working at a fast food joint, Buffy is even more tired as she’s trying to get good grades and stick to her night patrol. Letterer Ed Dukeshire captures the theme of family, echoing Buffy’s loneliness when she meets Willow and Xander for the first time.
3) The Art!
Let’s make this clear, artist Dan Mora is not remaking shots from the classic pilot, nor from the Kristy Swanson movie. Mora delivers a fresh spin on the Kung Fu action and the visual look of the vampires. Buffy looks amazing in Mora’s illustrations as she holds up her fists.
2) The Colors!
Raul Angulo has such a vibrant color palette, which focuses on the primary tones. In the opening pages, Buffy’s fast food uniform stands out because of its orange and blue hues. I love how Willow’s red hair stands out in every panel.
1) A Must Read!
Readers will fall in love with Buffy The Vampire Slayer all over again, thanks to this impressive first installment. I can’t wait to read the next issue!
Four out of Four emojis
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #1 arrives in stores January 23th, 2019.