As the “Hellmouth” crossover event continues, Buffy The Vampire Slayer #9 (BOOM! Studios) explores the residents of Sunnydale as they witness the upcoming apocalypse. Based on Joss Whedon’s groundbreaking series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, the pop culture phenomenon continues to explore new heights.
The town of Sunnydale is without its Slayer. And since Buffy’s missing in action, it’s up to the All-New Scooby Gang of Cordelia, Robin, Willow and Xander to save everyone in town. There’s just one problem—the Hellmouth is spreading evil throughout the city, putting everyone under its thrall. As the inhabitants of Sunnydale turn on one another, will the Scooby Gang be enough to save the town from utter chaos and destruction?
Here are 5 reasons why you should get Buffy The Vampire Slayer #9:
5) What Happened Before!

The Hellmouth has been opened thanks to the efforts of Drusilla and Spike. Warned in advance of what’s to come, Angel, the vampire without a soul, arrived in the nick of time to rescue a few of the Sunnydale High students. Just when they have teamed up to fight a greater evil, Angel and Buffy were dragged into the Hellmouth.
4) The Writing!
Writer Jordie Bellaire explores a world without Buffy through different perspectives. Without a friend, Willow makes rash decisions that affects her relationship. While Xander discovers his newfound abilities as a half-vampire, Giles is already cracking under pressure. Letterer Ed Dukeshire bolds certain words, such as in-between and traitor, to maximize Xander’s lack of self-confidence.
3) The Artwork!
Artists David López captures the emotional performance of a mentally wrecked Cordelia Chase. Struggling to be strong, Cordelia has to pretend everything is okay as her town becomes a living Hell. Watch as Cordelia finally breaks down physically at the end of an exhausting day.
2) The Colors!
Notice how the tones have an orangish look thanks to Raul Angulo’s colors. The colors are dark and cold as a reflection of Joyce’s moods. In the narrative, Joyce suffers the biggest loss as she struggles to continue living on in a world without her daughter.
1) A Compelling Read!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #9 is a compelling read that packs an emotional wallop! I’m very excited to see what happens to next!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #9 arrives in stores November 6th, 2019.