Vision Films presents the action-packed gangster drama The Bouncer, starring John Ozuna and Rosmary Yaneva. Director Massimiliano Cerchi delivers the dynamic action with a strong supporting ensemble.
The Plot: “In Romania, fugitive Frank Sharp takes a job as a bouncer. Saving a woman from abuse, he discovers she’s trafficked. They escape together but are relentlessly hunted.”
Here are five reasons why you should watch The Bouncer:
5. John Ozuna!
Frank Sharp (John Ozuna) seeks to uphold his morals and values while working for the underworld. What I really enjoyed about the action sequences was how Ozuna showed off his smooth and fast-paced moves. Frank’s fighting skills allow him to be comedic at one point and then brutal at another.
4. Rosmary Yaneva!
Actress Rosmary Yaneva is incredibly engaging as the beaten-down Slyvia. In an interesting character arc, Yaneva portrays Sylvia as a delicate flower before she finally discovers her power. Yaneva can give a stunning, emotional look with just one expression.
3. Costas Mandylor!

Costas Mandylor (Saw X) nails the twisted role of the antagonist Kane. Mandylor delivers his lines with such raw energy and fierceness. Kane instantly draws fear when Mandylor steps into the scene.
2. The Direction!
Director Massimiliano Cerchi plays with the crime-driven narrative and drops moments of levity, romance, and action. The genre elements stand out in the crime drama. Cerchi captures the charismatic chemistry between Ozuna and Yaneva on camera.
1. Solid Action!

The Bouncer features confident action work, two charismatic leads, and a handful of comedic scenes. This is a pretty solid action/gangster flick from beginning to end.
The Bouncer is available now to watch on streaming: