Penultiman #2 (Ahoy Comics) is a fascinating psychological thriller following an unhinged protagonist on the verge of an existential breakdown. Writer Tom Peyer and artist Alan Robinson spin the superhero genre into psychological fiction.
With his confidence shattered, 2020’s most magnificent superhero seeks reassurance. It will come from a strange source. He must speak with his incarcerated arch-adversary, terror-scientist, Zev Zollo.
Here are 5 reasons why you should read Penultiman #2:
5) Unreliable Narrator!
Penultiman is an unreliable narrator who is emotionally unstable. Every decision he makes comes from ego and narcissism. Secondary characters even scold Penultiman for using his powers and escaping the consequences.
4) The Writing!
Peyer does a great job keeping readers inside the headspace of the unstable narrator. It’s interesting how Peyer is able to present Penultiman’s duality through self-loathing monologues. The lettering by Rob Steen helps follow the ramblings of a lunatic without being astray.
3) The Artwork!
Through close-ups and tight medium shots, Robinson’s artwork focuses on the emotional performance of Penultiman. The lead character is always on the crack of a nervous breakdown. The facial reactions are so expressive, especially when he’s yelling.
2) The Colors!
The color palette by Lee Louridge represents the duality of the main character. Penultiman’s costume is a mix of red and orange colors. The character thinks he is motivated by good intentions, but deep down, he’s really a hot mess.
1) A Smart Read!
Penultiman is a smart and provocative look at slow-burn mental breakdowns. The second installment showcases how someone can become emotionally and mentally unbalanced.
Penultiman #2 arrives in stores on November 11th, 2020.