After returning with the highly anticipated premiere, Fox continues The X-Files: Season 11 with another self-contained standalone Episode 3: Plus One. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson return as the iconic FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.
At the rave, a young man spots his double and starts running scared. The young man finds himself fighting with his doppelgänger while driving his car. The doppelgänger grabs the wheel and steers the car directly towards a tree.
Scully arrives at her FBI headquarters, with Mulder talking about their new case. People have been seeing their doubles and succumbing to a weird death. The young man is the only one to have survived the ordeal and lived to tell about it. Scully though thinks the young man though was under the influence of drugs.
The investigation leads them to Little Judy Poundstone (Karin Konoval) in a mental institution. Little Judy has been in contact with her brother, Little Chucky Poundstone (also Karin Konoval), telepathically as they play their Hangman game. Mulder notices all the names are of previous targets. Scully then meets Demon Judy, Little’s split personality, and ducks as she throws feces at her.

At a nearby hotel, Mulder attempts to reconcile his relationship with Scully. In bed together, Scully asks Mulder if he wants to leave her. She will never get pregnant again. It’s okay for her to leave for someone younger and more fertile. Mulder holds her tightly, reminding Scully that they’re meant for each other.
At the prison, the young man is murdered by his double. Though Scully claims this was a suicide, the lawyer Dean Cavalier (Ben Wilkinson) believes it was murder. Little Judy and Chucky then target the lawyer and play their game of Hangman.
During the night, Scully and Mulder spot their doubles. Scully sees herself standing in the darkness. Mulder spotted his standing behind him in the bathroom.
Scully and Mulder realize they are both under attack, with very little time to spare. Chucky and Judy play their Hangman game, giving each other clues to the names. Scully attempts to reason with herself after spotting her doppelgänger in the backseat of her car.

All of sudden, the visions stop. Instead of killing the agents, Chucky and Judy murder themselves. The crazy twins drove each other to their own deaths. Now that the case is over, Scully returns to the motel to pack her things.
According to the all-knowing Narrator, Scully opens her door and finds Mulder waiting for her.
Season 11 of The X-Files continues Wednesdays at 8pm on Fox.
– By Jorge Solis