Nicole Andelfinger Talks ‘Sweet Valley Twins #1: Best Friends!’

In an exclusive interview with Villain Media, writer Nicole Andelfinger talks about bringing the Wakefield twins to life in an all-new format with Sweet Valley Twins #1: Best Friends (Random House Graphic).
5 Reasons To Watch ‘Bridge Of The Doomed!’

Gravitas Ventures presents the action-packed zombie thriller, Bride of the Doomed, starring Robert LaSardo, Michael Pare, and Kate Watson.
5 Reasons Why You Should Watch ‘The Shed!’

The Mooncat Picture Company presents the adrenaline-pumping thrill ride, The Shed, starring Eva Hamilton and Stacey Nelken.
5 Reasons To Watch Horrortales.666 Part 3!

Just in time for spooky season, horror aficionados will definitely want to check out the extreme new entries from HorrorTales.666 Part 3, starring Windy Hamilton and Alysia Ingrim.