The start of a whole new story arc, Gideon Falls #12 (Image Comics) continues as an intriguing mind puzzler that gleefully enjoys messing with your head. The creative team behind Old Man Logan and Green Arrow now dive into the wildly imaginative realm of time-travel.
We travel right through the looking glass back to Gideon Falls, 1886! Once there, a Father Burke must help catch a vicious killer named… Norton Sinclair? And can he stop the killer who can travel through time (and space)?
Here are 5 reasons why you should pick up Gideon Falls #12:
5) What Happened Before!
First, we have a reclusive young man, Norton, obsessed with a conspiracy in the city’s trash. Then we have a washed-up Catholic priest, Father Fred, arriving in a small town full of dark secrets. Finally meeting for the first time, Fred and Norton found themselves trapped by an evil entity.
4) The Writing!
Writer Jeff Lemire delivers an epic twist, one that involves time-travel, and the narrative just broke me. I just feel like I’m reading Gideon Falls for the first time. It’s moved away from the central characters, focusing on the dark past history of the mysterious town. Letterer Steve Wands does a great job capturing Father Burke’s renewed faith as he embarks on a twisted journey to return home.
3) The Artwork!
Andrea Sorrentino’s artwork is downright scary in the opening pages. Who is the Laughing Man? Is he a an immortal vampire who drowns himself in the blood of others? Sorrentino moves away from the horror and dives into classic western tropes, from the saloon to the running horses.
3) The Colors!
Colorist Dave Stewart uses the light from the sun to capture the sweltering heat. Notice how beautifully the desert landscape darkens during sunset. The mysterious barn appears to be glowing because of its red colors.
1) A Genius Twist!
Packed with daring ideas, Gideon Falls #12 has brilliantly transformed into a western/horror hybrid. Horror fans will be instantly glued to the jarring vision of Gideon Falls!
Gideon Falls #12 arrives in stores on April 17th, 2019.