(Courtesy of BOOM! Studios)
With more team-ups and brawling superhero action, the epic crossover continues in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28 (BOOM! Studios). In the war against Drakkon, The Power Rangers are left reeling after the loss of a true friend.
The Mighty Morphin team splits into two strike forces-one with RPM and one with Time Force – to battle Drakkon across worlds… even as all hope seems lost!
Here are 5 reasons why you should pick up Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28:
5) What Happened Before!
The Mighty Morphin team splits into two strike forces! One goes with RPM and one with Time Force to battle Drakkon across worlds… even as all hope seems lost! But where does the SPD team fit into all of this? Order Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28 HERE: https://t.co/G3H88e82Sm pic.twitter.com/uQTFiZhmGS
— Midtown Comics (@MidtownComics) June 14, 2018
In the previous installment, Tommy’s evil counterpart crossed over into another dimension. Just when Kimberly and Tommy were on their first date, Drakkon delivered a shocking fatal blow. The Rangers have no time to mourn for Tommy’s death as Drakkon’s deadly invasion continued.
4) Teens With Attitude!
Writer Kyle Higgins plays around with the concept of time-travel in the opening pages. I really liked the idea of two Kimberlys talking to each other. We also get some time with alternate future Zack and what he wants for himself. Through Ed Dukeshire’s subtle lettering, Higgins envisions a future where Zack can retire and stop being a Power Ranger.
3) The Artwork
With ink assistance by Simon Di Gianfelice, artist Daniele Di Nicuolo captures the action extravaganza as the strike forces rumble against Drakkon’s army. We see the epic scope of the battlefield with these impressive two-pager. It’s such a great shot of Drakkon wiping out the Rangers with one slash of his sword.
2) The Colors! The Colors!
Colorist Walter Baiamonte paints a vivid palette when the Rangers jump into battle. It’s such a bright rainbow as every color you can imagine takes part in the action. Always my favorite zord, I loved seeing the Tyrannosaurus rampaging through the desert!
1) A Fantastic Read!
MMPR 28 drops this Wednesday. The Battle for Corinth and the (narrative) midpoint of #ShatteredGrid. You’re gonna want this one… pic.twitter.com/eUfhhF6vSt
— Kyle Higgins (@KyleDHiggins) June 18, 2018
Overall,the epic crossover continues with the high stakes raised in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28. I cannot wait to see what happens next!
Three out of four emojis
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28 is available in stores on June 20th, 2018.