An emotionally intense installment, Buffy The Vampire Slayer #7 (BOOM! Studios) is a fantastic Willow-centric tale about friendship and love. Based on Joss Whedon’s groundbreaking series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, the pop culture phenomenon continues to explore new heights.
The Scoobies may have saved Xander’s soul but it means that Willow got mixed up in magic way over her head. And that has consequences, starting with a living nightmare where Willow realizes that the sacrifice she made could mean that she’s lost something important she’ll never be able to recover.
Here are 5 reasons why you should get Buffy The Vampire Slayer #7:
5) What Happened Before!

Woking at a fast food joint, Buffy is even more tired as she’s trying to get good grades at school and stick to her nightly patrol. After making new friends, Willow and Xander, Buffy’s vampire slaying keeps getting in the way. With the help of Willow and Xander, Buffy was able to defeat Drusilla and Spike. In retaliation, Drusilla took advantage of Xander and drank his blood.
4) The Writing!
Without Buffy in the issue, writer Jordie Bellaire focuses on the psychological manifestation of Dark Willow. Examining teen suicide as its theme, Bellaire explores the bond between Xander and Willow through flashbacks. From morning to night, letterer Ed Dukeshire spotlights the mental turmoil within Willow through her thought captions.
3) The Artwork!
Artists David López and Sas Milledge capture the emptiness within Willow as she struggles to make it through the day. Notice the hollow and blank stare on Willow’s face as she brushes her teeth. The horror action really comes out when Dark Willow fights to take control of mind and host.
2) The Colors!
A great use of black tones, Raul Angulo and Milledge paints Willow’s hair with one bold streak. Notice how Dark Willow’s black legs and shirt becomes part of the shadows in the background. The green in Willow’s eyes pops out in extreme close-ups.
1) A Stellar Read!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #7 beautifully examines the relationship between Xander and Willow! I’m very excited to see what happens to next!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #7 arrives in stores August 7th, 2019.