Indican Pictures delivers so much raw intensity and sheer ingenuity into the must-have DVD of 100 Acres of Hell, starring Gene Snitsky, Brittany Ineson, and Catherine Corcoran. Director Hank Leigh Hump has done something truly rare these days and has crafted a bona-fide cult hit that will endure years later among horror fandom.
When ex pro wrestler Buck Severs (Gene Snitsky) travels to an abandoned wildlife preserve with his friends for ‘Bro’s Weekend’, they become the targets of a deadly manhunt and Buck must find the fighter in himself before it’s too late.
Here are 5 reasons why you should get the 100 Acres of Hell DVD:
5) Gene Snisky!
Former WWE superstar Gene Snitsky dominates every frame with his engaging charisma. As Buck Severs, notice how Snitsky has instant chemistry with his castmates. There’s this layer of casual bravado that benefits Snitsky’s charisma in his scenes. The horror action has a grindhouse vibe, with a tinge of grit and roughness, especially when Buck (Snitsky) tackles slasher Jeb Tucker (Sam Anoai).
4) Catherine Corcoran!
Radiating the screen, Catherine Corcoran displays an irresistible charm in her role as Sissy. A high-spirited personality, Corcoran delivers each line with lively self-confidence and feistiness. You won’t believe what happens to Sissy when she and her friends cross paths with Jeb Tucker (Anoai)! I swear the graphic violence will make your jaw drop!
3) Brittany Ineson!
With a name like Brooklyn, Brittany Ineson just owns the badass role! With an iconic look, Ineson exudes toughness and a dynamic personality with her leathery outfit. Audiences will be entranced by Ineson’s resilient performance, just as I was, when she pops up in the movie.
2) The Direction!
By allowing the camaraderie to develop on-screen, Snitsky, along with writers Ed McKeever and Jason Koerner, present the strengths and flaws of their relatable characters. Director Hank Leigh Hump has designed the raw slasher action, thanks to the fast-paced editing by Mark Dennebaum, to get a rousing reaction from audiences. An unforgettable moment, the camera beautifully captures the lighting from the campfire during the brutal fight between Buck and Jed.
1) A Cult Classic!
Destined to be a modern cult classic, 100 Acres of Hell unleashes a raw and visceral experience onto horror fans. The shocking ending will stick with viewers long after they have finished watching.
100 Acres of Hell arrives in select theaters October 18th, 2019, then on DVD and Digital and VOD October 22nd, 2019.