(Courtesy of @blacklightning)
As more secrets become unlocked, more problems arise, the CW Network continues the high-stakes action of their latest superhero drama Black Lightning, starring Cress Williams, with Episode 10: Sins of the Father: The Book of Redemption. After being away in exile, Black Lightning has to face the secrets of his past in order to protect his city and his family.
Hooked on Green Light, an average girl becomes consumed by fire. With a missing girl in trouble, Anissa learns the twisted history of the vaccine. Jefferson argues with Anissa (Nafessa Williams) over Peter Gambi (James Remar). His yelling forces her to leave the room.
The eyewitness to the kidnapping happens to be Jefferson’s former student. While he tells the story of what happened during the kidnapping, Lala (William Catlett) struggles to do business with a rival gangster. Lala offers his mother’s house in exchange for the deal. With Anissa and Jennifer in danger of being discovered, Jefferson has to go out alone.
Gambi becomes involved in the search when he discovers the missing girl’s picture. Jennifer believes her gift is a curse from the Devil; she wants no responsibility to save people. After being called a quitter, even quitting on Khalil, Jennifer’s powers suddenly spark, causing her to almost burn down the couch.
Can’t stop, won’t stop! A new episode is AVAILABLE NOW on The CW App: https://t.co/m636oVz42g #BlackLightning pic.twitter.com/6btJYoIdfr
— Black Lightning (@blacklightning) March 28, 2018
At her lab, Lynn (Christine Adams) asks Jefferson to seek out Gambi, but he’s reluctant to ask for his help. At the tailor shop, Gambi has a tense standoff with Martin Proctor (Greg Henry) before being taken hostage. After consoling his daughter, Black Lightning gets info about a military vehicle from his crime informant.
At a rooftop, Black Lightning is having trouble with his goggles. Elsewhere, Gambi is taking a beating from Martin’s henchmen. Martin blames Gambi for Black Lightning and Thunder destroying his Green Light lab. While Gambi is being tortured, Jefferson try to save a street kid, promising to take care of him and his grandmother.
Martin makes a connection between Gambi and his surrogate son. He then orders his men to grab Jefferson and bring him to the lair. At the lab, Lynn discovers Jennifer is creating sure engr. like a generator. The street kid shows up and learns philosophy from Jefferson.
Cutting his class short, Jefferson is forced to leave. He finds Gambi lying on the floor all bloodied-up. After Jefferson cuts out the lights, Gambi makes his move and shoots down the men in suits.
Back at the tailor shop, Jefferson takes care of Gambi’s wounds. Gambi asks for forgiveness, telling Jefferson that kids are being kidnapped again. Jefferson has to find the spotter, who seeks out the kids taking Green Light. As we discover Lala make be taking to another unseen spirit, Jefferson takes his whole family to his childhood home for safety.
Alright East Coast, #BlackLightning is NOW on @TheCW pic.twitter.com/6UKSvcbBgL
— China Anne McClain (@chinamcclain) March 28, 2018
Jefferson’s assistant, Kara Fowdy (Skye P. Marshall) is the spotter working for Martin Procter. She now has to bring in Black Lightning, who was hiding right under her nose.
Black Lightning continues on the CW Tuesdays at 9pm.
By Jorge Solis