(Courtesy of BOOM! Studios)
A near-pitch perfect adaptation, Firefly #1 (BOOM! Studios) delivers the gritty thrills of the Wild West in the unexplored frontier of outer space. Based on Joss Whedon’s cult favorite Fox TV series, every page is filled with self-conscious good humor and old-fashioned western locations.
Mal thought he could outrun his past, but when a simple mission goes wrong, he’s forced to confront it in the form of the Unificators, mercenaries deputized to hunt down war criminals…and they’ve got Mal and Zoe at the top of their list! War can make villains of even the best men, and Mal’s quest for redemption will put him at odds with his own crew, forcing him to make a choice: fix the past or fight for the future.
Here are 5 reasons why you should get Firefly #1:
5) The History!
The captain and first mate of Serenity, a “Firefly-class” spaceship, lost to the Alliance at the Unification War, Their lives of smuggling and cargo-running are interrupted when a psychic passenger who harbors a dangerous secret. New readers will appreciate that the events take place before the film Serenity, which was actually the series finale in my opinion.
4) The Writing!
Not only does writer Greg Pak capture the magic of the show, he uses the sci-fi genre to deliver thought-provoking social commentary. The plot is quite timely relevant as Mal and his ragtag crew have to protect a caravan of immigrants from the government. Letterer Jim Campbell does a great job capturing the nonstop banter between the team.
3) The Art!
Artist Dan McDaid does a great job capturing the look, especially the wardrobe of the show. Ever panel has so much lively detail, thanks its sci-fi/western blend. The opening pages hilariously start off with an over-the-top plane crash.
2) The Colors!
I love the vivid palette that colorist Marcelo Costa uses for the western setting. The clothing and atmosphere has such a rich texture, reminiscent of John Ford films. Notice how Mal hides himself in the shadows.
1) A Thrilling Western!
A worthy companion to the Joss Whedon show, Firefly #1 loves to pack a punch with its western shoot-outs and space battles. Really looking forward to the next issue!
Three out of four emojis
Firefly #1 arrives in stores on November 14th, 2018.