(Courtesy of IDW Publishing)
A suspenseful read, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #92 (IDW Publishing) explores how just one major decision will have unexpected consequences. Before heading off into the celebratory milestone, the TMNT series teases the popular franchise with an upcoming war between good and evil.
The future of the TMNT, and all of NYC, comes down to a final negotiation between Splinter and Karai. Can they reach an agreement before Bishop’s new plan begins?
Here are 5 reasons why you should get Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #92:
5) What Happened Before!
The battle between the Triceratops and the Utroms escalated to a point where the Turtles had to team up with the Mutanimals, At the conclusion of “Battle Lines,” the Turtles have truly lost and and they have to deal with Slash’s sacrifice. While his murderer, Agent Bishop, is still out there and planning his return, Karai makes a surprise return as Splinter questions his leadership within the Foot Clan.
4) The Writing!
From a story by Kevin Eastman and Bobby Curnow, writer Tom Waltz explores how leaders think through Splinter and Karai. A relevant theme, Waltz examines the difference between patriotism and nationalism. Shawn Lee’s lettering emphasizes the social commentary as the two leads argue over traditional values and modern values.
3) The Artwork!
Artist Michael Dialynas captures the gripping plot through intense close-ups. Notice how Michelangelo looks worried as he reacts to his father’s argument. In wide shots, there’s a different reaction from the turtles, especially when Raphael snickers at Karai’s points.
2) The Colors!
Notice how colorist Ronda Pattison heightens the gray tones in the backgrounds. Nothing is ever just black and white, as the saying goes. Karai and Splinter are are living in the gray even when the two think they have the high moral ground.
1) A New Story Arc!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #92 delivers an exciting twist at its cliffhanger. The countdown to “City at War” nears as we start heading towards the #100 issue milestone.
Three out of Four Emojis
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #92 arrives in stores on March 20th, 2019.