With an endless amount of fun-sized explosions and action, Bloodshot #2 (Valiant Entertainment) unleashes some big battle scenes that scream epicness. For fans of ‘80s action movies, Bloodshot continues as an audacious comic book on steroids.
Bloodshot’s enemies are closing in. Can he unleash all of his abilities and in time to survive? The supersoldier is no stranger to war, but this is a whole new kind of enemy…And who is the mysterious masked woman called Eidolon?!
Here are 5 reasons why you should read Bloodshot #2:
5) What Happened Before!

In our previous interview, Senior Editorial Director Robert Meyers describes the series, “Tim and Brett are cooking up an incredible story! Tim describes it as action meets Frankenstein. It’s looking at Bloodshot as Frankenstein’s monster. It’s so much fun seeing Bloodshot go out, have his own agency, and take care of himself first; rather than having to worry about which overlord at the time is in control of his program.”
4) The Writing!
Writer Tim Seeley delivers the spectacle as Bloodshot pushes through the gunfire, even as the army of nanotechnology in his veins has gone haywire. Interestingly, Bloodshot still sees himself as invulnerable, even though his weakness has been spotted. The letters by Dave Sharpe keeps the dialogue at the forefront during the shoot-em-ups and the big explosions.
3) The Artwork!
The stylish artwork by Brett Booth captures a ridiculously fun action sequence that takes place in mid-air. The inks by Adelso Corona add to Bloodshot’s misshapenness as his body sags and drags. Notice how Bloodshot looks like the Grim Reaper when his face is blown off.
2) The Colors!
The colors by Andrew Dalhouse dominate the pages during the explosive climax. The intense waves of fire swallow up the entire background, taking up most of the lighting.
1) So Much Action!
Every single page of Bloodshot #2 is a strong dose of pure adrenaline. I’m so excited for the third issue!
Bloodshot #2 arrives in stores on October 30th, 2019.