Bloodshot #3, Valiant

A heavy-hitting adrenaline rush, BLOODSHOT #3 (Valiant Entertainment) indulges in some fantastical action sequences, while pushing the character-driven tale forward. For fans of ‘80s action movies, Bloodshot really hits the mark as an audacious comic book on steroids. 

The origin issue of Eidolon, Bloodshot’s greatest nemesis in the making!

Here are 5 reasons why you should read Bloodshot #3:

5) What Happened Before!

Bloodshot #3

In our New York Comic Con interview, Senior Editorial Director Robert Meyers describes the series, “Tim and Brett are cooking up an incredible story! Tim describes it as action meets Frankenstein. It’s looking at Bloodshot as Frankenstein’s monster. It’s so much fun seeing Bloodshot go out, have his own agency, and take care of himself first; rather than having to worry about which overlord at the time is in control of his program.” 

4) The Writing!

Writer Tim Seeley delivers the spectacle and drama as Bloodshot remembers who is Eidolon behind the mask. Interestingly, Seeley isn’t removing other events that took place within Bloodshot’s mythology. Seeley pushes the ideas forward to allow the protagonist to grow. The letters by Dave Sharpe emphasizes Bloodshot’s character arc for redemption as his monologue examines past sins. 

3) The Artwork!

The stylish artwork by Brett Booth continues with the monstrous look that Bloodshot has become. The inks by Adelso Corona intensify Bloodshot’s misshapenness as his body sags and drags. Bloodshot even manages to look younger in his bullet-flying flashbacks. 

2) The Colors!

The color palette by Andrew Dalhouse dominate the pages with its white tones. Notice how Bloodshot’s white flesh is different from his white nosebleed. The backgrounds in the flashbacks are quite striking because they are painted in green tones.

1) So Much Action!

Bloodshot #3 drives its lead protagonist forward in unexpected ways. I’m can’t wait for the next issue! 

Bloodshot #3 arrives in stores on November 20th, 2019. 

By Jorge Solis