Another excellent installment, BLOODSHOT #4 (Valiant Entertainment) takes the action pieces to higher ground as key players are introduced. For fans of ‘80s action movies, Bloodshot delivers exactly what it promises as a rip-roaring comic book on steroids.
All aboard as Bloodshot faces off against ghoulish monsters on a bullet train to the heart of darkness!
Here are 5 reasons why you should read Bloodshot #4:
5) What Happened Before!

From our New York Comic Con interview, Senior Editorial Director Robert Meyers describes the series, “Tim and Brett are cooking up an incredible story! Tim describes it as action meets Frankenstein. It’s looking at Bloodshot as Frankenstein’s monster. It’s so much fun seeing Bloodshot go out, have his own agency, and take care of himself first; rather than having to worry about which overlord at the time is in control of his program.”
4) The Writing!
Writer Tim Seeley introduces The Burned, a secret organization that fits somewhere between a masked cult and an elaborate task force. Interestingly, Seeley keeps the momentum moving at a fast pace by jumping between past and present. The letters by Dave Sharpe emphasizes Bloodshot as a tactician during an elaborate train heist.
3) The Artwork!
Brett Booth’s artwork captures agents of The Burned wearing slick white suits and covering their faces with stylish masks. The inks by Adelso Corona add to the texture of the white fabric of the suit. Booth’s illustrations are amazing, especially when Boodshot tackles a violent horde of demon dogs.
2) The Colors!
The color palette by Andrew Dalhouse dominate the pages with grayish and black tones. This type of dark shading works because the train heist takes place in the middle of the night. The pages light up in orange and red tones when Bloodshot starts blasting away.
1) Tons of Action!
Bloodshot #4 sets up an interesting new story arc. I’m can’t wait for the next issue!
Bloodshot #4 arrives in stores on December 18th, 2019.