5 Reasons To Get ‘Eve Of Extinction’ (TKO Studios)!

A terrifying apocalyptic thriller, Eve of Extinction (TKO Studios) wildly succeeds thanks to its monster-extravaganza and interesting main protagonists.
5 Reasons To Get ‘The Banks’ (TKO Studios)!

A slick and entertaining crime thriller, The Banks (TKO Studios) delivers an elaborate story of multiple deceptions told with second glances, winks, and meta-nods.
5 Reasons To Get ‘Pound For Pound’ (TKO Studios)!

If you’re in the mood for blood, Pound for Pound (TKO Studios) delivers on that high octane promise with a gritty and hard-boiled crime thriller.
5 Reasons We Love ‘Sentient’ (TKO Studios)!

An emotionally gut-punching read, Sentient (TKO Studios) happens to be a warm-heartedly sentimental and compellingly bleak sci-fi epic.
Interview: Joshua Dysart Talks ‘Goodnight Paradise!’

In an exclusive interview with Villain Media, writer Joshua Dysart discusses the alluring beach and mystery behind Goodnight Paradise (TKO Studios).
5 Reasons To Get ‘Goodnight Paradise’ (TKO Studios)!

(Courtesy of TKO Studios) Part surfer noir and a […]